H ello Fam! It's in again & Tending! WONDERS SEEMS NOT TO ALWAYS HAVE AN END! T his just happened Live. A student of the Ekiti State University was caught red handed performing ritual purposes with his own Roommate in the school campus students quarters. The Enchantments of the Supposed student ritualist was captured in the video above by the students and security personnels of the school authority, who were videoing the whole Scenario. It was said that the supposed student ritualist, whose name wasn't mentioned at least for a proper documentation and evidences, was trying to use his own Roommate for his Yahoo Yahoo assignments. All in quest for Money! God Save Us All From Evil Hands.. π . L et's get all your comments on this post down at the comment section below. Also, dont be in a hurry to leave without Sharing this update to your friends and also clicking π" Follow " To be part of This Blog, So that you would be notified once an...