As we all know, Telegram is an Online social platform with over 200 million registered users. Telegram has in one way or the other proven to be one of the best social platform of our time with lots of amazing features. Aside other telegram features too numerous to mention, Telegram launches a feature called " BOT " although this feature isn't too new, but rocks almost Every time. " Telegram bots are small programs that could be embedded in Telegram chats or public channels and perform a specific function. They can offer customized keyboards, produce cat memes on demand, or even accept payments and act as a digital storefront". In general , Telegram Bots are simply Telegram accounts operated by software – not people – and they'll often have AI features. They can do anything (eg) teach, play, (etc). Telegram Bots could be created, Edited & Owned by anyone at anywhere & anytime, regardless of being a Professional or Novice. TOP MOST USEFUL TELEGR...