Hello fam!
Welcome to another concept of the S.C.A POWER UPDATES..
Today, I'm going be teaching or showing you, the basic Steps to take to secure your Facebook Pages & Groups. Even if you get disconnected or Hacked out from your Facebook account.
We all know the Joy and Pride that comes when we've gotten a Facebook page or Group with over a Thousand, Hundred Thousands or Probably Millions of Followers or Active Likers.
Not minding the fact that most Facebook Page owners or Group owners doesn't really know how to Monetize, or yet to start Making money with their Facebook Pages or Groups, but honestly most of them doesn't even regard that aspect, they only enjoy the Joy that comes out from it, accompanied with the large number of Followers or Likers attached to their Groups or Pages.
But what most Facebook Page and Group Owners have failed to understand and put to practice is the fact that..
The Joy and Boasting of having a large number of a Facebook Page or Group would sadly come to and End someday, if urgent or quick actions is not taken today.
My Updates has always being on eye opening tips, and here again today I've brought another hit to your closet.
◾Facebook as we all know is a Fun arena or Platform for Chatting, Meeting New & Old friends, Watching most interesting videos or movies, Owning & Managing pages, Groups and lots more Exciting Features.
"But I repeat, inevitably, all this fun would have to end someday with tears or sadness if you fail to apply some of the features you're going to gain from this update to practice."
Would I say, "Imagine" having or building a good Facebook Page or Group with lots of Likes or Followers, then out of ignorance, you lay down your Stress, Time or even Money spent on building such an enviable Page or Group, to the hands of Bad friends or Intruders. "Would you ever pray to imagine that"?
Also, as most of us know, for Security purposes Facebook has its large numbers of Privacy Policies most persons have not known or failed to put into practice. Failure to meet up with this Policies has caused Temporary or Permanent Ban of so many individual Facebook accounts and lots others from Facebook.
Aside Facebook Privacy Policy Failure Punishments, there are lots of other hazards that may lead to the loss of your hard earned Facebook accounts, which could either be Friends or Intruders.
Let me briefly explain this..
Friends: We all have friends we fall back to when we're depressed, bored or in a tight corner right?
Also, in most cases of emergency or whatever, we might plead on our friend(s) to assist us with their phone(s) to Log into our Facebook account, either to change our Profile pics, Upload a Post or et cetera. But one mistake we always make is that most times we hurriedly or reluctantly forgets to log out our account(s) after using our friends phones and if you're unlucky to have a pretending bad friend, your Facebook account could be manipulated or Compromised.
Intruders: Most times, you might be too careful not to login into anyone's phone but most unfortunately, your account still get's hacked by someone you don't even know.
This has been a normal occurrence most persons encounter on Facebook and because of this act, so many persons have angrily or sadly left Facebook for other interesting social media platforms too.
"I have handled so many issues of unexpected account Hacking from my fans in Nigeria and other African countries too, this mostly occurs once you start seeing adverts of Money making investments or Some other posts you don't know about or didn't engage in. Now once this starts happening, just know that in few hours or days from your notice to that, you would be completely locked out from your Facebook account, and if fast or urgent measures are not taken, there's every tendency for a loss of account".
These actions has led to the Lost of Money, Properties & Reputation tarnishing within the country and outside by some hungry hoodlums with the name (Hackers) to their subjects.
Also not everyone is Lucky or has the opportunity to witness their Facebook account Hacked, Manipulated or Compromised bit by bit before proper hacking, most persons are unlucky to only get the information from their friends, colleagues or relatives after being Locked out already.
◼ "Most hackers ensures to get you Locked out first before carrying on their activities".
So if you're lucky enough to witness the bit by bit process of hacking of your account by any upcoming hacker, ensure to proceed to Changing your account passwords immediately! or use of any of the Steps, Listed below As soon as possible.
Out Of All Procedures & Features required for this action, We've Only Drafted Out Two Steps, Which We've Thought To Be The Major Steps To Help With This..
This steps are...
Keying or adhering to this feature helps a lot, but unfortunately not everyone values it.
Changing your Facebook account password at least once every month could be an easy way to put your account enemies into confusion.
Although the most complained side effects to this, is the fact that most persons or individuals forgets their exact Facebook password at some extent after multiple changing of passwords.
But putting the above paragraph into consideration, is it not better you forget your Facebook password and then request for a Facebook Forgot password option to get a special SMS code to login again than sacrificing the whole Facebook account to intruders or friends that doesn't wort it?
Think of it..
This Step should have come first, but because the safety of your Facebook account is most important to us, we choose to make it Second.
Inviting your Most trusted Facebook friends to handle special Roles to your Facebook Page or Group could go a long way to getting back your page or group, if accidentally or Coincidentally your Facebook account gets compromised or Hacked.
In Addition, you could just invite two of your friends to your page or group and give them special duties to handle on your page/group.
You could make one of them your Co-Admin and the other, maybe a Moderator or an Analyst.
Doing the above mentioned, would automatically make those your friends beneficiaries of your Page or Group. It would also make them remain in charge or still have access to your Page or Group once you get Logged out or Hacked out of Facebook.
⚫ Log into your Facebook account
⚫ Open your Page
⚫ Click on the Top right Settings icon ⚙
⚫ Go down to Page Roles
⚫ Click on Add person to Page.
⚫ Choose whosoever you want to either make an Admin, Analyst, Moderator or Other and..
⚫ Click on Done.
⚫ Log into your Facebook account
⚫ Open your Group
⚫ Click on ⚙Admin Tools
⚫ Go down to Members
⚫ Choose any of your Member you want promote
⚫ Choose from the Numerous Options listed out there.
⚫ Click on done or Refresh Group yo get it working!.
Hope this article won the award of an eye opening tip once again and worked for you too?
Don't forget to Share this article with your friends and also share your thoughts with me on the comment section below..
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See you on another one!
Bye! 🖐
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